"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
- Thomas Jefferson


Liefsbeth picking tomatoes


Grab one of these Saturday!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009


hey csaers
zucchini are great on the grill. cut em the long way like a steak and grill with olive oil and salt and pepper. medium rare. put A1 on em. giving vegetarianism another thought after seeing food inc last friday. wow - yuck. if eggs are a little off its because we are incubating. plugging my comedy show the 18th of this month friday. three comedians - eight bucks. richard reese is worth the price of admission by himself. a good way to use the green beans is to make the old time favorite three bean salad using just greenbeans. year of the carrot peaks tomorrow. carrots not a specialty at the farm. probably need to add sand to some of the beds. everything likes that really. hope everyone is looking in to this vaccine thing. the makers of the vaccine are saying they arent going to take it. worth reading about. see you tomorrow.

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