"If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny."
- Thomas Jefferson


Liefsbeth picking tomatoes


Grab one of these Saturday!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

csa thur

hey everybody
we lost loose the goose this week. must have eaten something - llamas develop ulcers that can be fatal. looked all over the body and found no signs of anything except her testicles. he will be missed. cant believe lucy was a male. from the looks of louise's coping corner it is a profound loss. i share louise's champain. tomorrow lots of tomatoes. let them ripen on the counter not in the sun and eat them when they are near perfectly red. they blow up if you dont eat them then. cukes lemon basil/basil and squash. not sure why and when the bean tunnel decides to flower but when it does it will be raining string beans. eggplants coming on finally. was worried about them. good germination on the round two of beets still no sign of the carrot replant but plenty of beets coming later. lost most of them and carrots this spring. going to add sand to some of the lower beds. also think squash hills need sand.

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